Will You Choose To Blame or Will You Choose To Overcome?

I have been watching the continuing news coverage of the Wall Street protestors and I shake my head thinking how I once was a member of the “blame the world” movement.  News accounts and local bloggers all espouse basically the same message; “It is someone else’s fault that life is bad so, lash out against them.”  I thought about my own life and how I too once had this attitude.  Due to a series of circumstances my business began to fail, my life spiraled out of control — I blamed the world and I responded by lashing out. 

To whomever would listen, I told my tale of woe.  I complained, I griped and I blamed.  It was all someone else’s fault.  It was the doctors who misdiagnosed me, it was the national republican party

me at 340 pounds

for not getting behind my run for congress, it was this person or that person’s fault that my business was failing.  I responded by eating and eating and eating.  Every day I would simply exist to eat.  As my weight ballooned up, the person on the left rapidly came into existence. Was it my fault that I had become morbidly obese?  At the time, in my blame the world state of mind — of course not!  It was the situation, it was bad luck, it was those who wronged me, ala former news person Steve Corbett, it had to be the fault of  someone else.

Much like so many do today, I lashed out.  Over WILK’s airwaves and web-site, fear monger extraordinaire Steve Corbett assigns blame to any and everyone who has earned even a modicum of success.  I find it amusing that while he spends so much time blaming others, he avows just as loudly that it is up to others to take care of those he supposedly represents.

The fact is that I had some bad luck and was the victim of bad doctoring, however, while there may have been issues, the person truly responsible for my failings was the guy staring back at me from the mirror.

It wasn’t the hard times or the actions of others that pushed me to the edge of personal and business failure; it was my reaction and inaction that put me there.  Unlike the Steve Corbett’s of the world, eventually I realized that my demise wasn’t the fault of others and my salvation wasn’t going to be the result of another’s action. It was up to me, and me alone, to resurrect my failing life.

What does this have to do with weight loss and fitness? Pretty much everything.

When we lose the drive to care for our own fitness, when we lose the respect for ourselves and allow obesity to rule our lives, and when we no longer take responsibility for our own health, we lash out.  That is why I cut out negative energy and focus on what I can do positive with each and every day of my life. I don’t envy those who have what I don’t have nor do I seek to blame others for my lot in life. Contrary to Steve Corbett’s rantings, I choose how I will respond and my choice is to take self-responsibility, self-control and self-determination of my person.

I eat and exercise as if I will live forever, however I live life as if I will die tomorrow! I have no time to focus on what can’t be done.  I choose to embrace the positive aspects of my life and opt for a positive outlook over fear fueled outrage, hate and despair.

A student of mine stated that I always work nutrition and fitness into class time and asked me why.  I told this person that when one takes control of themselves, through taking command of their own health, the other issues tend to be easier to cope with.

This student told me they would like to lose weight and get in shape, but simply didn’t have the time.  I related to this student and several others the following:

I was entering a store when I saw one of my former weight loss clients.  Well, not exactly a client,  the gentleman only came in for the initial meeting, purchased my book, and confidently proclaimed that he could do it on his own.  One look at him and I realized he wasn’t sticking to the plan.  After some conversation, I offered to give him a free restart meeting to get him on track. I guess I struck a nerve, because his response was quite defensive.  He rattled of excuse after excuse attempting to justify why he had not even started the plan.  After I rolled my eyes and gave him a look he said; “What would you know, you’re a doctor and you work for yourself, you have all the time you need to eat right and exercise.”

Deep from my gut, propelled by the contractions of my diaphragm, a loud belly laugh escaped. Anyone who knows me, knows what I have been through.  An illness and one misdiagnosis after another caused me to be out of my office for an extended period of time. During and after this period, my business markedly declined and I lost every dime I had managed to save.  My mental weakness and my response to the situation caused me to neglect my business even further and I emotionally spiraled downward as my weight and girth ballooned upward.

However, this man didn’t know any of that.  Yet, I couldn’t contain my laughter. I think I offended, insulted or embarrassed him.  Since I don’t really understand those emotions, I can’t be sure, but I assured him I wasn’t laughing at him.

I have often said, getting fit and dropping weight are genuinely easy, however, it does require commitment and proper planning.  What better way to demonstrate the misconception than to give an account of one of my days?  So, what follows is a snapshot of one of my days.   This day was Wednesday 9/14/11.  By the way, Wednesday’s is the day of the week my office is closed, you know — my day off .

  • 4:08am — Alarm sounds.  I hit the off button and say to myself several time, “Get up, get up, get up…!” I pause in the sitting position at the edge of my bed and consider laying back down.  I grab a picture of myself at 340 pounds and only need to glance at it for a moment before I spring up to my feet and head to the kitchen for coffee.
  • 4:20am — Finish up my coffee, brush my teeth, shave, double-check my gear that I packed the night before, update Facebook for weight loss clients following me, get dressed and leave for the gym.
  • 4:45am — Arrive at the gym.  Do my leg work out; 40 sets in just under 50 minutes, then go upstairs and do my abdominal workout.
  • 6:00am — Shower, change for the day and leave the gym.
  • 6:30am — Stop by my office.  Check and answer emails from Fat Then Fit Now clients, friends and students.
  • 6:50am — Leave my office.
  • 7:00am — Arrive for breakfast at Tony’s Diner in Kingston, had the best sausage and cheese omelet.
  • 7:30am — Depart Tony’s and head to the college.
  • 7:50am — Arrive at the college and get ready to teach my first class.
  • 8:55am — Class dismissed; off to the office (you know, the one that is closed for the day.)
  • 9:30am — Arrive at the office.  Write and publish blog post.  Answer more emails and Facebook inquires for people interested in my book.  Look over new info for the second edition of Fat Then Fit Now; A Life Beyond Weight Loss.
  • 10:30am — Have a snack of mixed nuts and unsweetened iced tea.
  • 10:45am — Get on Skype with the one and only Jimmy Moore and record a brief segment commemorating his 500th podcast episode.
  • 11:00am — Treat two emergency patients. Ordered lunch.
  • 11:30am — Stop at Leo’s Pizza where a grilled chicken salad w/blue cheese dressing is waiting for me. After lunch I head back up to the college.
  • 12:15pm — Arrive at the college and teach my second class of the day.
  • 1:15pm — Class dismissed.  Off to the lounge. Mix up a protein pudding (just enough water added to protein powder to give it a pudding like consistency), eat it while I enter quiz grades and do some class prep work.  Take a few moments to “discuss” politics with a colleague.
  • 2:30pm — Teach third class of the day.
  • 3:55pm — Class dismissed.
  • 4:00pm — Teach fourth class of the day.
  • 5:50pm — Class dismissed, run to lounge and warm up chicken breast stuffed with artichoke, spinach and cheese that I prepared earlier in the week. Scarfed down dinner.
  • 6:00pm — Teach fifth class of the day.
  • 8:45pm — Class dismissed.
  • 9:15pm — Stop to see my girlfriend for a visit.
  • 10:00pm — Prepare gear, clothes and choose one the already prepared meals to pack for the next day, set up the coffee maker and the timer for 5:08am (I sleep in on Tues/Thursday), put clothes in the washing machine and then finally sit down and unwind with a little television.
  • 10:45pm — Go to bed, check to make sure alarm is set for 5:18am (I need to give the coffee time to brew), read until I fall asleep.

I am not one of those people, who sit around waisting {sic} their week, looking forward to Friday just so I can guzzle beer. I live each and every day to its fullest. I thrive on full, complete, productive days.  Don’t get me wrong, I like my leisure time, but even my leisure time is as active as possible. Being idle leads to indolence, which in turn, leads to an inflated physique.

The question is not whether it is possible to drop weight, get fit and recapture your health.  With the proper application of eating, exercise and mental energy through desire, determination and discipline, you not only can — you WILL achieve your goals.  The proper question to ask is;






Physical Culturist and Chiropractor, Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, “Obesity Undone” and a contributor to NaturallySavvy.com and CarbSmart.com. He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcast or television outlet.

He has appeared on 94.3FM’s The David Maderia Show, What’s Weighing You Down, w/Dr. Marilyn Gansel on FTNS radio, Nurture and Nutrition on Blog Talk Radio, Low Carb Conversations with Jimmy Moore and Friends, BlogTalk Radio’s Toni Harris Speaks, Internet Radio: Cathie’s Talking, TV -35′s Storm Politics with Tiffany Cloud, WILK’s The Sue Henry Show, Magic 93′s Frankie In The Morning, WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast; and the one and only Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast.
Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at docjoeleonardi@betterlifeseminars.com and check out his website http://www.betterlifeseminars.com.
************The information contained herin is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or disorder. The posting and videos do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition. I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions No guarantees are made or to be implied.************

Obesity, Occupy Wall Street & Steve Corbett

As I was mulling over today’s posting a patient of mine said, “Okay Doc, how are you going to tie these topics together?”  I told her to check back later today.

South Main Street, from Public Square, Wilkes-...

First off, I know it seems like I listen to Steve Corbett’s radio entertainment show more than I should, but I don’t.  It just so happens that WILK talk radio is my favorite local radio station and every now and again, I have the radio tuned in when I start my car or enter a room. This happened on Friday, as I was driving home after my news interview on SSPTV Channel 13 concerning childhood obesity.  I was coming over the mountain and back down into the valley when I turned my radio back on and it was already set to 103.1FM.  I reached down to change the station when I heard the caller mentioned he was going to be at an Occupy Wilkes-Barre event. Since I had been kind of following the Occupy Wall Street movement on the news, I stayed on the station.  It seems that every person I had listened to be interviewed really didn’t have a clue as to why they were taking part of the Occupation and this caller was not any different.  He muddled through a couple of, for lack of a better word, reasons; like “I’m tired of making a hundred dollars a week.  Rich people aren’t fair.  People with money don’t deserve it.”  And some other mumbo-jumbo that a third grader would have been embarrassed to articulate.

I was just about to hit the scan button when good old Steve chimed in, he tried to pin him down to a reason, but funny thing was that Corbett, while encouraging him, couldn’t offer up a single reason himself.  Then he gave this young man some of the most ridiculous advice I have ever heard in my life.  Advice so ludicrous, that I have concluded that the unicellular amoeba that causes dysentery may generate a greater intellectual output than Steve Corbett; although they both produce the same end result.

Woody Allen in Barcelona

Image by austinevan via Flickr

What was this piece of wisdom from the sage Mr. Corbett?  Brace yourself for this one, even I who hold Steve Corbett in low regard was shocked by this.  I guess Corbett was trying to quote pseudo-intellectual Woody Allen in some sort of way. He told the young man he did NOT need any definitive goals, nor did he need a plan.  No he told this young man, a man obviously without direction, to just show up.  Really Steve? So, this person and others, should just show up and work toward no goal, no defined end result?

I can hear my regular readers out there now.  You all know where I am going with this don’t you?  For those who are not regular readers, you are probably wondering; What does this have to do with weight loss, fitness or obesity? The answer is a resounding — EVERYTHING!


There is no greater path to failure in reaching fitness and weight loss than not setting goals, nor devising a plan.  I can’t tell you how many people I have observed over the years who just show up at the gym.  They go through the motions, moving from machine to machine and exercise to exercise with out rhyme or reason.  They don’t have a specific routine, they don’t have regular days, as I said they just show up.  And the sad fact is that the only thing that is leaner for their efforts are their bank accounts.  They make no improvement in their physique, they don’t drop any weight and they don’t improve their fitness level.

Achievement badge for showing up!

Image by Steven-L-Johnson via Flickr

These folks that just show up apply a similar haphazard and lackadaisical approach to their diet.  Now remember a diet is not defined as a plan you go on and off; diet for our purposes, is whatever food you shove down your gullet. If you eat a low carbohydrate, close to natural state diet, you have a good diet.  If the food you consume is full of starches, sugars, refined and prepackaged foods; you have a garbage diet.  Either way, those that just show up usually will claim to be on a diet, although they never tell you which type of diet.  They are quiet humorous to watch, because I am pretty sure that no matter what school of thought you apply to diet and fitness — the foods Steve Corbett regularly endorses: pastries, rolls, pizza, beer and wine aren’t exactly what is considered healthy eating.  But it seems that those who simply show up for eating and exercise tend to consume a very poor diet.  They too, make no improvement to their overall health and fitness, and if they are attempting to lose weight, well guess what?  That’s right, they don’t drop any weight either.

The Steve Corbett’s of the world are much more concerned with whining and complaining about what others may have than what they themselves are doing.  They are more than willing to engage in negative rhetoric and not only harm their own well being with negativity, but inflict it, like a contagion, upon others.

You can make a difference in your life by doing more than just showing up. You can take charge of your life, you can take command of you physical well being and the result will be an improved quality of life.




Physical Culturist and Chiropractor, Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, “Obesity Undone” and a contributor to NaturallySavvy.com and CarbSmart.com. He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcast or television outlet.

He has appeared on 94.3FM’s The David Maderia Show, What’s Weighing You Down, w/Dr. Marilyn Gansel on FTNS radio, Nurture and Nutrition on Blog Talk Radio, Low Carb Conversations with Jimmy Moore and Friends, BlogTalk Radio’s Toni Harris Speaks, Internet Radio: Cathie’s Talking, TV -35′s Storm Politics with Tiffany Cloud, WILK’s The Sue Henry Show, Magic 93′s Frankie In The Morning, WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast; and the one and only Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast.
Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at docjoeleonardi@betterlifeseminars.com and check out his website http://www.betterlifeseminars.com.
************The information contained herin is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or disorder. The posting and videos do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition. I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions No guarantees are made or to be implied.************

Lash Out or Look Inward — Blame Others or Take Responsibility For Your Own Health

The corner of Wall Street and Broadway, showin...

Image via Wikipedia

I have been watching the news about the Wall Street protestors and I shake my head thinking how I once was a member of the “blame the world” movement.  I read a blog by our local hate and fear monger Steve Corbett,  news accounts and local bloggers and they all basically espouse basically the same message; “It is someone else’s fault that life is bad so, lash out against them.”  I thought about my own life and how I too once had this attitude.  Due to a series of circumstances my business began to fail, my life spiraled out of control and I blamed the world.

I responded by lashing out. 

To whomever would listen, I told my tale of woe.  I complained, I griped and I blamed.  It was all someone else’s fault.  It was the doctors who misdiagnosed me, it was the national republican party for not getting behind my run for congress, it was this person or that person’s fault that my business was failing.  I responded by eating and eating and eating.  Every day I would simply exist to eat.  As my weight ballooned up was it my own fault?  At the time, in my blame the world mind — of course not!  It was the situation, it was bad luck, it was those who wronged me.

Much like so many do today, I lashed out .  All over the internet there are all sorts of blogs, vblogs and YouTube videos blaming everyone else.  Although, I always find it funny that while they are blaming others, they are saying it is up to others to take care of them.  That always makes me scratch my head.

weight loss exercise class

Image by ninahale via Flickr

What does this have to do with weight loss and fitness? Pretty much everything.

When we lose the drive to care for our own fitness, when we lose the respect for ourselves to allow obesity to rule our lives and when we no longer take responsibility for our own health, we lash out.  That is why I cut out negative energy and focus on what I can do positive with my life each and every day. I don’t envy those that have what I don’t have nor do I seek to blame others for my lot in life.

I eat and exercise as if I will live forever, however I live like I will die tomorrow!

A student of mine stated that I always work nutrition and fitness into class time and asked me why.  I told this person that when one takes control of themselves, through taking command of their own health, the other issues tend to be easier to cope with.

This student told me they would like to lose weight and get in shape, but simply didn’t have the time.  I related to this student and several others the following:

I was going in to a store when I saw one of my former weight loss clients.  Well, not exactly a client,  the gentleman only came in for the initial meeting, purchased my book, and confidently proclaimed that he could do it on his own.  Well, one look at him and I realized he wasn’t sticking to the plan.  After some conversation, I offered to give him a free restart meeting to get him on track. I guess I struck a nerve, because his response was quite defensive.  He rattled of excuse after excuse about why he had not even started the plan.  After I rolled my eyes and gave him a look he said; “What would you know, you’re a doctor and you work for yourself, you have all the time you need to eat right and exercise.”

Deep from my gut, propelled by the contractions of my diaphragm, a loud belly laugh escaped. Anyone who knows me, knows what I have been through.  An illness and one misdiagnosis after another caused me to be out of my office for an extended period of time. During and after this period, my business markedly declined and I lost every dime I had managed to save.   My mental weakness and response to the situation caused me to neglect my business even further and  I emotionally spiraled downward as my weight and girth ballooned upward.

However, this man didn’t know any of that.  Yet, I couldn’t contain my laughter. I think I offended, insulted or embarrassed him.  Since I don’t really understand those emotions, I can’t be sure, but I assured him I wasn’t laughing at him.

I have often said, getting fit and dropping weight are genuinely easy, however, it does require commitment and proper planning.  What better way to demonstrate the misconception than to give an account of one of my days?  So, what follows is a snapshot of one of my days.   This day was Wednesday 9/14/11.  By the way, Wednesday’s is the day of the week my office is closed, you know — my day off .

  • 4:08am — Alarm sounds.  I hit the off button and say to myself several time, “Get up, get up, get up…!” I pause in the sitting position at the edge of my bed and consider laying back down.  I grab a picture of myself at 340 pounds and only need to glance at it for a moment before I spring up to my feet and head to the kitchen for coffee.
  • 4:20am — Finish up my coffee, brush my teeth, shave, double-check my gear that I packed the night before, update Facebook for weight loss clients following me, get dressed and then leave for the gym.
  • 4:45am — Arrive at the gym.  Do my leg work out; 40 sets in just under 50 minutes, then go upstairs and do my abdominal workout.
  • 6:10am — Shower, change for the day and leave the gym.
  • 6:30am — Stop by my office.  Check and answer emails from Fat Then Fit Now clients, friends and students.
  • 6:50am — Leave my office.
  • 7:00am — Arrive for breakfast at Tony’s Diner in Kingston, had the best sausage and cheese omelet.
  • 7:30am — Depart Tony’s and head to the college.
  • 7:50am — Arrive at the college and get ready to teach my first class.
  • 8:55am — Class dismissed; off to the office (you know, the one that is closed for the day.)
  • 9:30am — Arrive at the office.  Write and publish blog post.  Answer more emails and Facebook inquires for people interested in my book.  Look over new info for the second edition of Fat Then Fit Now; A Life Beyond Weight Loss.
  • 10:30am — Have a snack of mixed nuts and unsweetened iced tea.
  • 10:45am — Get on Skype with the one and only Jimmy Moore and record a brief segment commemorating his 500th podcast episode.
  • 11:00am — Treat two emergency patients. Ordered lunch.
  • 11:30am — Stop at Leo’s Pizza where a grilled chicken salad w/blue cheese dressing is waiting for me. After lunch I head back up to the college.
  • 12:15pm — Arrive at the college and teach my second class of the day.
  • 1:15pm — Class dismissed.  Off to the lounge. Mix up a protein pudding (just enough water added to protein powder to give it a pudding like consistency) and eat it while I enter quiz grades and do some class prep work.  Take a few moments to “discuss” politics with a colleague.
  • 2:30pm — Teach third class of the day.
  • 3:55pm — Class dismissed.
  • 4:00pm — Teach fourth class of the day.
  • 5:50pm — Class dismissed, run to lounge and warm up chicken breast stuffed with artichoke, spinach and cheese that I prepared earlier in the week. Scarfed down dinner.
  • 6:00pm — Teach fifth class of the day.
  • 8:45pm — Class dismissed.
  • 9:15pm — Stop to see my girlfriend for a visit.
  • 10:00pm — Prepare gear, clothes and chose one the already prepared meals to pack for the next day, set up the coffee maker and the timer for 5:08am (I sleep in on Tues/Thursday), put clothes in the washing machine and then finally sit down and unwind with a little television.
  • 10:45pm — Go to bed, check to make sure alarm is set for 5:18am (I need to give the coffee time to brew), read until I fall asleep.

I am not one of those people, who sit around waisting {sic} their week, looking forward to Friday just so I can guzzle beer. I live each and every day to its fullest. I thrive on full, complete, productive days.  Don’t get me wrong, I like my leisure time, but even my leisure time is as active as possible. Being idle leads to indolence, which in turn, leads to an inflated physique.

The question is not whether it is possible to drop weight, get fit and recapture your health.  With the proper application of eating, exercise and mental energy through desire, determination and discipline, you not only can — you WILL achieve your goals.  The proper question to ask is; HOW DEEP IS YOUR DESIRE TO BEAT BACK OBESITY?




Physical Culturist and Chiropractor, Dr. Joe Leonardi is the author of the life changing book, “Obesity Undone” and a contributor to NaturallySavvy.com and CarbSmart.com. He is available to appear on any talk radio, internet podcast or television outlet.

He has appeared on 94.3FM’s The David Maderia Show, What’s Weighing You Down, w/Dr. Marilyn Gansel on FTNS radio, Nurture and Nutrition on Blog Talk Radio, Low Carb Conversations with Jimmy Moore and Friends, BlogTalk Radio’s Toni Harris Speaks, Internet Radio: Cathie’s Talking, TV -35′s Storm Politics with Tiffany Cloud, WILK’s The Sue Henry Show, Magic 93′s Frankie In The Morning, WBRE’s PA Live, SSPTV’s News 13, Public Television WVIA’s State of Pennsylvania and Call the Doctor; Entercom’s Outlook on Northeast PA with Shadoe Steele, Citadel Broadcasting’s Sunday Magazine with Brian Hughes, Lisa Davis’ Your Health Radio; Hank Garner’s Podcast, Dr. Robert Su’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast; and the one and only Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast.
Dr. Joe Leonardi also will come and speak to your group; to learn more about his motivational speaking fees and availability contact him at docjoeleonardi@betterlifeseminars.com and check out his website http://www.betterlifeseminars.com.
************The information contained herin is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or disorder. The posting and videos do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition. I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions No guarantees are made or to be implied.************