Is There One Eating Plan For All Dietary Paradigms? Yes!


I am reprinting here a column I wrote about 2 years ago for I hope you enjoy.



The recent headlines and talking heads in the media have been screaming the latest news:

  • We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic
  • By 2030 42% of the U.S. population will be obese
  • There will soon be more morbidly obese people, than those simply obese
  • Health care costs related to obesity are soaring

What does it all mean? Okay, I think that answer is obvious — we have a problem, a very serious health problem.  So, what will people do?  They will look for a diet solution to drop pounds and either get themselves off of the obesity train, or stop themselves from ever getting onboard.  Unfortunately my friends, this becomes a contributing factor to the obesity problem.

When discussing our health, the priority is to define the word diet.  I am sure any dictionary will give you plenty of definitions. I will give you mine:

Diet:  Whatever a person shoves into their mouth and swallows into their stomach.

You can have a good diet.

You can have a bad diet.

I guess you can even have no diet.

A diet is not something you go on or off.  A diet is a way of life, and right now many are consuming a diet that is fueling the ever expanding obesity epidemic.

When I decided to take control and be responsible for my health and wellness, I chose a low carbohydrate diet.  I chose this option because my father was a Type II diabetic, as was my maternal grandmother.  Considering the way I was destroying my health, I was sure I was going to be a prime candidate for sticking the insulin needle into my body each day.  So, I used my knowledge of physiology to choose this particular diet plan. I utilized some of the low carbohydrate, pre-packaged products, going so far as to recommend them in the first edition of my book.

However, as I progressed over the last several years, I began steering clear of pre-packaged foods all together.  I started eating foods from only natural sources.  I later discovered that there was a name for this type of diet; actually several:

  • Paleolithic
  • Primal
  • Caveman

There are communities all over the internet devoted to this type of diet, all proclaiming that this is the diet for good health — with which I agree.  After taking some time to think about it, I realized in the world of different diets for health, this model can work for every diet out there.  Just take a moment to think about it.

If you choose a low fat diet: eat lean grass-fed meats, poultry, seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, all from good natural sources. Stay away from fattier meats and cage raised chicken eggs.

If you choose a low carbohydrate approach: eat any meats, eggs, vegetables and certain fruits, again all from natural sources.

If you choose calorie or portion control: the above applies as well.

If you are a vegetarian:  eliminate animal products and eat locally grown or organic produce.

Perhaps, when it comes to your own diet for health, instead of worrying about labels — you should simply be — Naturally Savvy.





6 months!




Life is lived in color, but sometimes the answers remain black and white. 


Aloha, Ciao and Stay Healthy,




full color cover


Sometimes The Bastard Returns is available on






Obesity Undone, is available in both paperback and kindle versions at amazon.com51tXIOPTNwL._SY344_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_BO1,204,203,200_


For over three and half years I maintained a 130 pound weight loss, then last year I lost my way and found a relapse in obesity. I am discussing my battle with recidivism.


**************The information, advice and opinions contained herein is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or disorder. The posting and videos do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition. I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions No guarantees are made or to be implied.***********

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