The Human Side Of Obesity Management

I usually write a posting or three on Sunday afternoons, but this Sunday is a special family day with my girlfriend and her daughter,so I thought I would do a re-post.

“It isn’t about pointless rat studies and attacking other people. It is about the human side of the obesity problem and about how changing one’s mental attitude is critical.” Carole Sampson CarbSaneR

The above quote is from a review of my book by Carole Sampson, the former administrator of the CarbSaneR blog.  {The CarbSaner blog is defunct. }Out of all the interviews I have given, reviews that have been done, or comments made, no two sentences better sum up not only my book, but my philosophy concerning UnDoing Obesity.

zuma beachI have never stopped learning, and I have never stopped desiring to learn. My education provides a background, but it was far from the end of my growth and development. There is a reason graduation is also called commencement, because in all actuality, it was the beginning of my practical education.

I read and read and read, and I find it astonishing, how many people are mired in a point of view concerning weight loss that hasn’t developed beyond an 8th grade text book.   People become so lost in the letters, that they miss the words, sentences and paragraphs that make up a composition. It is also amusing how many of these same folks who are now insinuating others are heretics, forget or aren’t aware, that for advocating daily exercise for men and women, eating natural foods and being responsible for one’s own health — Bernarr MacFadden and Jack LaLanne were once labeled the same.

I will never stop seeking knowledge, and thankfully, because of people like my internet buddy, Jimmy Moore, a wide range of experts on the topics of weight loss and fitness are but a click away.  And for those of you unfamiliar with Jimmy’s site — he doesn’t interview only people who agree with his point of view.

Recently, after catching up on my reading, I bookmarked Bill Lagakos’ and Gary The Primal Guy’s blogs to check out on a regular basis.  There are so many forward thinkers out there trying to educate and yes, even make money, disseminating the latest information regarding different methods of weight loss, I am glad that I have taken a different approach.  The human side of obesity management isn’t so much ignored, as it simply gets lost. We must realize, that with all of the information available, both old and new, and different approaches, methods and theories, none of it means a thing if those who need the information the most, aren’t motivated to take action.

One of the reasons I am not as visible as I once was, is because of my recidivism. {Which as of today 10/6/13 I am down 32 pounds}  Does that recidivism make me less knowledgeable?  No. However, I am no longer possess the results that make me an example of the lifestyle I once and once again extol.  As my weight continues to drop and my fitness level continues to improve, I will start making the interview rounds again.  I will put myself out there as an example that the methods I choose are effective. Does that mean my way is the only way?  Of course not, but, what I do works best for me.

I have several reason for utilizing a low carbohydrate, close to nature approach to eating — primarily that it is easy, effective and, in my opinion, the most healthy.

There are a plethora of websites, blogs, and articles available on the internet, some good, others not so good.  However, we should be wary of those who tell us what is the most effective diet or exercise method, but hide in the shadows, never revealing themselves.

Cauliflower Crust, Low Carb pizza - Close Up

mqdefaultI promise to all of you, that I will not hide my flaws, nor my failures and, if for some reason, I am unable to re-attain my healthy and fit lifestyle, I will simply go away.

Just to be clear — I don’t plan to let that happen.

I am here to help those who seek me out.  And, just to answer the most obvious question — yes, I do charge a fee for my books and my time.  Isn’t it amusing how there are folks out there, who would never think of working a job for free, get all offended when there are those of us who will charge a fee for our expertise?

I am very proud to be a physical culturist, chiropractor, educator and yes, a business person.

Aloha, Ciao and Stay Healthy


************The information contained herein is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or disorder. The posting and videos do not apply to those with an underlying medical or hormonal condition. I advise anyone embarking on a weight loss and fitness plan to have a thorough medical evaluation. You want to be sure that you are physically able to exercise and you don’t have any underlying medical conditions No guarantees are made or to be implied.************

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