An Important Week

A US Marine Doing Pull-ups.

A US Marine Doing Pull-ups. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today is Tuesday, July 16, 2013.

This is the most important week of my life.

As most of you know, I have been having a

Deer meat, at Charles & Silva's

Deer meat, at Charles & Silva’s (Photo credit: cote)

very difficult time getting back to eating a healthful diet and following a fitness encouraging exercise program.

My mental energy has been at an all-time low — I didn’t recover from what happened last year.  Amazingly, it was something I never thought could happen to me.  It seems so miniscule, but it had an impact on me; and I still haven’t been able to will myself past it.

Therefore, I have made an important decision.

If I don’t succeed on getting back on track this week — I am done.

No more interviews.

No more fitness and weight loss postings or videos.

And, most importantly, no more claim to being a physical culturist.

If I don’t succeed on getting back on track this week — I am done.

I will accept the permanency of my failure; embrace the sloth and gluttony that has once again overtaken me, and I will fade away from the low carb, paleo, primal and fitness worlds.  I will delete my websites, blogs, YouTube pages, remove my book from circulation and simply go gentle into that good night.

6 thoughts on “An Important Week

  1. I had just recently come across your website, and have been checking in occasionally to see how your comeback was going. Very sorry to see your struggles. Unfortunately, this is all too common – a high percentage of people who lose weight do relapse. I’ve have had my share of successes and relapses, so I understand the inwardly directed emotions that produces: I did it once, why is it suddenly so hard…..

    I haven’t followed you long enough to know exactly what precipitated your downward spiral. But I do think there is an inherent danger in tying your business success (book, web site, counselling services) to the outcome of your personal struggle with weight and health. It creates an enormous amount of pressure, as every setback does double damage. So whatever you do with the web presence, your first priority should be to get back on track healthwise. If that requires less distraction from the pressure of being a public physical culturalist, so be it…..

  2. Pingback: Honest Self-Assessment | Obesity Undone is Fat Then Fit Now --- Weight loss is a side effect of fitness!

  3. Pingback: An Important Week —- YouTube #1 | Obesity Undone is Fat Then Fit Now --- Weight loss is a side effect of fitness!

  4. Pingback: An Important Week — The Trilogy | Obesity Undone is Fat Then Fit Now --- Weight loss is a side effect of fitness; Fitness is not the end result of weight loss!

  5. Pingback: 100% Agreement Is Not Necessary | Obesity Undone is Fat Then Fit Now --- Weight loss is a side effect of fitness; Fitness is not the end result of weight loss!

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